My piece, “Eternal letters” is rooted in ancient times and the age-old and iconic Hebrew alphabet. It is regarded as one of the most treasured alphabets of a human civilization passed from generation to generation, which has kept it alive in stunning fashion.
I believe that the language’s ability to withstand the test of time makes it metaphorically as strong as the walls of Jerusalem, which once housed the faithful Hebrew people. Many eyes have witnessed and heard the music of letters. My aim here was to illustrate the way they sway in many directions flaunting the various color schemes. It is a set of colorful and meaningful symbols that signify pride, fruitfulness, elegance, and beauty, resembling the rich Jewish heritage.
My work should evoke the feeling of natural beauty. To me, this alphabet is as wondrous as the combination of nature’s elements of water, land, and life. It is a mixture of hues of blue, green, and many other tones. It is the little fishes swimming around, butterflies flying about in the springtime, and flowers blossoming and blooming. I want you to imagine the stars in the night’s sky that light up the world, growth, and love that symbolize a revived language that can never be forgotten.