It was the most complicated custom order I had made ever.
83″x52″ absolutely “monumental” size painting dedicated to be hung on the wall over the fireplace
It took me about 3 weeks to finish this order from the beginning of the sketches stage till it was fully finished…
Now I am glad to offer this artwork as a giclee canvas prints (including ready to hang) of the various sizes

I have always felt a deep connection to nature. As an artist, I draw much of my inspiration from animals, plants, and the earth, and I love creating art that celebrates them. My latest painting, The Animals of Vermont, does exactly that.

This huge canvas piece depicts many of the native creatures found in the dramatic and beautiful state of Vermont. From the majestic and aloof mountain lion to the humble and hungry raccoon, critters of all shapes and sizes appear in this bold illustration.

When working on this piece, I found myself thinking about how often we cross the line between using nature as inspiration for our artwork and destroying it to turn it into something else. No matter how talented the artist, no creation could ever match the beauty of nature in its true form, so why do we insist on trying?

The final form of my painting changed the more I considered this question. As thoughts of the senseless destruction of forests and killing of animals in the name of art and expression filled my mind, I found myself drawn to a much bolder color scheme. Although the animals themselves stay true to color, with soft edges and gentle features, they are set against a vibrant red and orange background, which makes me think of fire or blood.

I found this piece quite emotional to create. In trying to celebrate the glorious life and nature in Vermont- a state known for its stunning landscapes and incredible flora and fauna- I became saddened by the way we contort them for art. My hope is that the work can inspire others to find alternative ways to bring nature into their homes without destroying it in the process.

Paintings like The Animal of Vermont are excellent housewarming gifts for someone with bold taste and a love of vibrant color. A statement piece, no doubt, this artwork stands out in any room, carrying its message to all who see it. Instead of taking a beautiful animal from its home, killing it for sport, and hanging it on the wall in some perverse attempt at showboating, why not share hand-painted creations that celebrate the life of these animals while leaving them in the wilderness to enjoy it?

Nature is everything. The great outdoors is not just some unknown landscape to be explored and exploited at our pleasure: it is the lifeforce of our world and our privilege to be near. The Animals of Vermont is my ode to these wonders and a reminder of how we can and should enjoy them without causing them harm.