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First painting of my new “Princes of Zodiac” series. Meet Prince Capricorn

Art is ageless. It does not matter whether you are a new member of the world or you have been on many journeys around the sun: there is something about art that never stops speaking to us. I remember being a child listening to fairytales and falling in love with the images in the books even before I could read the words. I think most of us can. 

Incorporating those images into your nursery room décor through artwork is the perfect way to unlock unlimited imagination and enhance your children’s happiness. The Princes of Zodiac series, in all its bold, bright glory, is a shining example of how to use art to stimulate young minds.

Children do not experience color the same way adults do, but they have just as strong an emotive response- if not more. Vibrant primary colors are easier for them to distinguish, which is why they are drawn to them more. These colors even have the power to influence the mood and mindset of your infants and toddlers. 

Even as an adult, warm yellows and oranges make me feel comfortable and happy. When I look at art that champions these tones, it speaks to the part of my brain that longs for joy and safety. Blue is calming, red is exciting: all of these facts are well-documented, and the same feelings occur in the littlest art critics. 

Take the Princes of Zodiac series, for example. By centering heavily on the primary colors in their purest form, it connects with children who do not yet understand why. The blue backdrops spotted with zodiac signs and numbers that shine like stars can calm them, helping them to fall asleep peacefully to dream pleasant dreams. 

Even as an adult, warm yellows and oranges make me feel comfortable and happy. When I look at art that champions these tones, it speaks to the part of my brain that longs for joy and safety. Blue is calming, red is exciting: all of these facts are well-documented, and the same feelings occur in the littlest art critics. 

Take the Princes of Zodiac series, for example. By centering heavily on the primary colors in their purest form, it connects with children who do not yet understand why. The blue backdrops spotted with zodiac signs and numbers that shine like stars can calm them, helping them to fall asleep peacefully to dream pleasant dreams. 

Highlights of almost ethereal, iridescent takes on the simple color scheme are truly magical- again taking the young viewer on a journey. These fantastical elements only add to the wide-eyed wonderment evoked in a young person observing these images in their nursery or bedroom. 

It is easy to dismiss art for children, not believing they can fully appreciate it. I suggest that perhaps they appreciate more than most, and it is us as adults who cannot see what they see. The use of fairytale images and even symbols from the zodiac or real-world cultures can stir an early interest in the world in impressionable minds, opening up a whole new level for their not-yet-limited imaginations and beliefs to roam to. 

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