The merging of bold artwork and Jewish heritage is something that holds great importance to me as an artist. In my latest painting, Lion of Judah, I have brought in elements to represent the tribes of Israel and the beauty of the Jewish heritage. This huge figurative painting centers around the walls of Jerusalem and the ever-iconic lion. I wanted this piece to be a culmination of all the things that make the people of this religion so unique. You can find various symbols and images relating to the values.
One of my favorite parts of this painting is the peacock in the center. The lion steps on the dark almost lava-like feathers. It represents the turbulent times our ancestors faced with the strength and integrity of the Lion of Judah. From that darkness, a bold peacock emerges to face another almost ethereal bird. To me, the red peacock is symbolic of the re-birth and rejuvenation of the Jewish faith, and the golden bird is the faith that helps make it possible.
I wanted to use a bold contrast of deep cognac colors and bright, vibrant primary colors to convey the good times and hard times of Jewish history.
The texture of the painting is very flowing and fluid in most parts, representing the constant movement of life and the world in which we live. Throughout this swirling frame, I added many eyes and goldfish to depict the ever-watching presence of evil and of God. The texture of the eyes is much harsher than the rest of the painting because I felt they were integral to what I wanted to say with this piece.
However, the images at the core of the piece (the walls of Jerusalem, the lion, and the peacocks) are static and bold. I wanted this to show the unmoving resilience of the Jewish people and their faith.